Friday, October 28, 2011

Principle of Design

Not finished because it was do today and didnt have enough time.


NOt Finished because i missed two days and I am behing and it would not let me save for web & devices.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Creative Process
            I made this box with the same logo that I have also created. The box is designed big enough to fit one pair of gloves. I have also made it where the gloves come in different type of colors: blue, purple, pink, yellow, green, black, and white. I kept the colors in the logo blue, pink and purple because it looked good and makes it stand some. Then I made the box, itself, a light shade of yellow with a little bit of blue around to make the logo pop out. I also added that the gloves came in multiple colors. Then I added the phrase “No More Sticky Hands!” because when you wear the gloves wile eating ice cream, it won’t drip or run onto your hand and make them sticky. In the logo I made the word “Sweet” kind of arched to give some pop to it. Finally, I put the box on a random shelf to show how it would look on one.